
About YTAT

jolanta rudzka habisiak kolorYet another edition of the international exhibition and competition for art students, the 3rd Young Textile Art Triennial – YTAT Łódź 2019 is a source of great satisfaction and pride for our Academy.

The event is organized by the Faculty of Textile and Fashion, and to be more precise by the Departments of Textile and Textile Print. The project is run by its leader, Professor Lidia Choczaj and a team of young academic teachers from both departments. I would like to use this opportunity to cordially thank them all.

Thanks to the Triennial we become a unique family of enthusiasts of textile art and design and we bring together Polish and foreign higher education institutions whose curricula include textile courses.

The participation of 18 academies from Europe, the United States and Japan in the event indicates a need for this platform to assemble cultural achievements of various academic institutions.

It also confirms the increasing interest of students in traditional handicraft and in combining modern and classic techniques in designing printed or woven textiles.

I am convinced that works selected by academic teachers from the participating institutions will find recognition in the eyes of the international Jury whose objective judgment will allow them to award the best contestants.

The previous editions of YTAT accompanied the International Triennial of Tapestry and were presented in the Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź. The opening of the Triennial was moved to autumn 2019, yet we decided to keep the spring date of our event.

The exhibition of the works submitted for the 3rd International Young Textile Art Trinnial – YTAT Łódź 2019 will be presented in our prestigious Kobro Gallery between the 9th of April and the 10th of May 2019.

I hope that the exhibition will be visited by many guests from Poland and abroad and that they will take this opportunity to explore the academy, see its studios, the unique weaving room with its vintage but still working jacquard looms and other workshops well-furnished in traditional and modern equipment.

I wish all YTAT participants the best of luck in competing for the prizes and personal happiness.

I cordially invite everyone to the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź, whose doors are always wide open to enthusiasts of young art and design.

prof. dr hab. Jolanta Rudzka Habisiak

YOUNG TEXTILE ART TRIENNIAL 2019 is an international exhibition and competition in the field of broadly defined textile art addressed to students of art academies from all over the world. The initiative was launched by Associate Professor Lidia Choczaj, Professor of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź and the Head of the Department of Textile.

The third edition of the Young Textile Art Triennial - Lodz 2019 will be held in April 2019. The event is addressed to B.A. and M.A. students as well as to graduates who received their diplomas in the academic year 2018 in Higher Education Institutions invited by the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź to participate in the project. The preselection of works for the exhibition takes place on the basis of internal selection in each of the Institutions. The international Jury will choose winners in two categories: textile design and textile art.

The event is organized by the DEPARTMENT OF TEXTILE and the DEPARTMENT OF PRINTED TEXTILE of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź.

In April 2019 participants will have an opportunity to present their works in the galleries of The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź.

The aim of the project is to continue and to further develop the international platform for presenting achievements of the generation of young creators of artistic textile which was launched six years ago. The previous edition of the event met with great interest and enthusiasm of the participants. In 2016, 66 young artists from 14 countries participated in the event. During the exhibition opening we hosted academic teachers and students from China, the United States, Finland, Estonia, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania.

The exhibition opening and the award presentation ceremony will be held in the Kobro Gallery The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź on April 9th, 2019.